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Your Attitude NOT Aptitude Determines Your Altitude

Having the right skills and the proper credentials will more than likely be the keys to whether you are brought on board for the position or not. Companies often hire on aptitude and experience and fire on fit and attitude.

Each day we have the freedom to choose what our attitude will be. Managing this helps us define who we are, how we handle ourselves and how to deal with issues as they arise. There is no magical process, nor is it about being disingenuous. On the contrary, it speaks to the power each of us holds; when to decide how we want to engage with others and the influence it has beyond us. We do not operate in a vacuum and behaviors affect the group from the family to the organization.

Zig Ziglar said it best, “We cannot change our past, we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way….I am convinced that life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. We are in charge of our attitudes.”

Think back to situations where things were seemingly out of control and it was your choice to decide how to react on the spot. Were you able to step back and assess swiftly or did you behave in a way that exacerbated the chaos? Creating space, both mental and physical and slowing down the action gives you the room to weigh your options. While it would certainly be ideal if you had all the information necessary to make the best choices, too often, you don’t. What you do have is the ability to take charge of how you act and possibly do some prep work in advance enabling you to respond more thoughtfully.

Others are likely watching your process and making judgments accordingly. Are you more solutions focused or easily triggered by emotion in your responses? As a leader professionally and personally, having a positive attitude encourages trust from others and greater opportunity to have an impact.

Each day allows you to begin again, confident that you can handle issues as they arise. Some clients have found that daily affirmations set the tone for the day. Others allot time to reflect on and record at least one positive thing that has happened each day and review them monthly. Given a variety of circumstances, this activity may be a challenge at first, but once begun, the potential for positive reinforcement will override any hesitation. Frame these actions as new habits and notice how others respond to you differently.

Chuck Swindoll adds, “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude to me is more important than the past, than education, than money, than failures, than successes. It will make or break a company or a home.”

  1. How does your attitude impact your altitude?

  2. How do you maintain your optimism?

  3. Think of 3 things you are grateful for and refer to them daily

However comfortable you assumed you were with choice and change, it may morph into overwhelming anxiety that was never anticipated. Retake your power, assess the situation and move forward.This makes it the ideal time to engage the support of a career coach with experience in helping professionals achieve better, faster, results. At KICKSTART Your Transition we offer a broad range of services to fit your needs



© 2021 by Cathie Briggette

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