When is good enough OK? How long do we wait it out, work it over, contemplate it, rewrite, redo, add-on, modify and ultimately avoid completion of a creative project? When do we stand back and willingly break the champagne bottle across the bow, allowing our “ship” to sail out into the sometimes perilous waters of the public domain? How prepared are we for praise or is it the criticism we anticipate? Is it truly a celebration yet? When is it OK to let go, release the piece and by extension reveal our deepest selves to strangers? Where do you stash your “on-hold” projects? The clock is ticking and only you can change the internal dialogue that may have impeded your progress in the past. Now is the time for an intervention, an examination of what’s been getting in the way and how to create momentum.
“I have spent my days stringing and unstringing my instrument, while the song I came to sing remains unsung.” Rabindranth Tagore, poet
For many us of, beginnings are exciting and often far more interesting than endings. Beginnings are fresh and herald in possibility and newness. On the other hand completion points to the next undertaking; a refocus on something else. Will it be equally exciting or test your abilities and talents. Were you a “one hit wonder” or a legitimate talent? Will you be revealed as a fraud or a mover and shaker?
Here is the reality check-in. Fear is the enemy of action. The more you ponder, the less likely you are to MOVE FORWARD, submit the project, send out the manuscript, or deliver the painting to the gallery owner. We react to situations when we do not have a goal. We act upon them when we are sure of our goals. When you write down your goals, it activates something in your brain that leads to actions that help realize them.
Long lists can give us a false sense of having accomplished many of the action items or foster a sense of overwhelm
Instead, set one small goal for today which can be as simple as dedicating 15-minutes to writing or making a phone call that you’ve been putting off
If you feel inspired, continue beyond your pre-set time
Notice if the time of day as you approach your task is an energy enhancer or drain
Adjust accordingly
© 2014 Maureen Weisner