How much do we actually accomplish when fully engaged in avoidance mode? What does it take to get back on track?
Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left? FIVE That’s the difference between deciding and doing!
Even the most motivated people are not always on task. Often the most seemingly busy people, those constantly occupied, are in reality accomplishing very little. Yet, the TV watcher, who we can readily identify is perhaps the most honest of all…doing nothing.
When you are in action; cleaning, reorganizing, or purging the space, you feel industrious. Activity like this is measureable, producing immediate results, unlike the outcomes from other endeavors that may not be so obvious.
One client, who dreaded tax season, always scheduled a major home renovation simultaneously, compounding her anxiety. Her assumption was that as long as she was going to be sequestered in her home office anyway, she could also supervise the other projects too. After the “dust” settled, we looked at the consequences of her actions and how this compromised her relationships, health and overall well being. The physical upheaval around her made it easier to avoid focusing on the task at hand, her tax filings, which were the priority. Once she was able to see that it was possible to do some preparation monthly, her calendar became her most effective tool. With long term goals in place for the year ahead, she was able to space projects, arrange her time commitments accordingly and vow never to have a contractor near her home in the spring.
•What are you procrastinating about? •What is one small step that you can take now? •Write it down •Put it in your calendar •Do it!
©2015 Maureen Weisner