Does the thought of public speaking throw you into a state of panic or is it another terrific opportunity to demonstrate your ease in front of an audience? Most of us are called upon at some point to speak to a group and/or present materials to share information. No matter your skill level, with focused persistence, proper preparation and timing during a workday, you can increase the odds of a positive result. In fact, it’s not only what you say in that meeting with your boss, but when you say it. The best way to avoid having your ideas met with blank stares and stifled yawns is to schedule your presentations on Tuesdays, around 10:30 AM. According to Andrew Bradbury, author of Successful Presentation Skills, “In the mid-morning, early birds are still going strong and the night owls are getting into the stride of their day, meaning everyone in the audience should be energized and receptive.” Furthermore, in a 2008 survey commissioned by the staffing agency Accountemps, Tuesday was found to be the most effective day to show off Powerpoint skills. People are in the full swing of their workweek and not yet distracted by the upcoming weekend. And, with a Tuesday presentation, if follow-up is necessary, there is still a cushion of three more workdays. Given that you managed all else, to ensure the most receptive audience, timing really is everything after all.
Consider both personal and professional circumstances where timing strategically made a difference. • Did you notice the receptiveness of your audience? • How will you factor time and day into future presentations? • Schedule something ASAP based on these suggestions • Compare a Tuesday AM meeting to another day and time
© 2013 Maureen Weisner